The following Treatment Options are Available:

Manual Therapy

Hands on treatment techniques can be highly effective at relieving pain and improving mobility. Our therapist has extensive training in specialized techniques like; therapeutic massage, assisted stretching, joint mobilization and manipulation and other soft tissue treatments that can help you on your path to recovery.


Understanding your injury, what makes it better or worse are KEY to your recovery. Your therapist will take every opportunity to teach you about things that will help your injury, which will alleviate your anxiety and empower you to be an active participant in your recovery. Being informed about your injury, your body and your treatment plan will also help prevent injuries from recurring.

Exercise Therapy

Exercise harnesses the body’s own healing powers to relieve pain and improve function. Pain can often cause key muscles to shut down which can lead to increased stress and strain and eventually injury. Weak postural or stabilizing muscles can also wreak havoc on your body. Tight muscles are common sources of pain and your physio will help prescribe the right exercises to get you better.

Therapeutic Modalities

T.E.N.S., Neuro-Muscular Electrical Stimulation and Ultrasound are machines that are commonly used by physiotherapists to treat pain and help with healing injuries. They can help reduce inflammation, reduce swelling, improve pain and even strengthen muscles. These tools are commonly used in clinics but our therapist has portable machines to bring you the same effective treatment in the comfort of your home.


In certain instances taping or bracing can make a world of difference. Athletic taping uses non-elastic tape to brace or support an injured joint when immobilization is required. Kinesiotaping uses brightly colored elastic tape and can be extremely effective at relieving pain, activating or calming muscles, or stimulating healing. Our physiotherapist is trained in both of these techniques and will suggest taping if it may help your recovery. We can also recommend appropriate braces and guide you to a nearby bracing specialist.

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